I’m sure you are tired of the poor servicing of your clients when you refer them to the very few options for escrow/contract payment management! Has this been affecting your reputation with your clients?  I was very frustrated at the lack of customer service that my clients were getting from these companies. I was regularly having to field calls for my clients due to these company’s shortcomings and was frustrated at how my reputation was being handled in their hands for my referral. I decided to do something about this problem and created Contract Managing!. 

Finally, there is an option to send your clients to a company that cares about how they are treated. We are proactive to get in front of issues to ensure your clients receive the service they deserve before getting late fees from escrow neglect and for as low as $35/mo! We are happy to service all payments of contracts and disburse funds to utilities, debt payments, HOA’s, owners and more! We focus primarily on seller finance contracts and landlords(much cheaper than a full property management contract), but we can even be a great asset to property managers and HOA’s!

Please start writing Contract Managing on all your seller financing contracts and landlord leases right away! Once you are under contract please let us know before due diligence is over. We need to know the terms so that we can have our docs ready on time.

If you already under contract please let us know asap so that we can have our docs ready for closing. We look forward to working with you!